I’m happy to announcement the launch of our new site, truly a labor of love! I first want to thank Jordyn Ferri for her fresh, clean design, Ji Sohn for her blog design and html coding, Brandon Fenning for his robust and state-of-the-art content management system, and last but not least Tiffany Liou for her superior text editing. This is the fifth iteration of the site and absolutely our best, bringing together different facets of design and technology. Several components of the site are database driven (e.g., portfolio, careers) allowing for easy updates. The portfolio can easily by sorted by categories (tags) and cross referenced with testimonials and case studies. Initial client homepage designs are viewable on the bottom of portfolio detail pages. The site is fully cross-platform function (e.g., iPad, iPhone, PC, Mac) utilizing Jquery for user interaction. Construction criticism is greatly appreciated so reach out to us with ideas, glaring mistakes or a simple question. Read more: https://www.lform.com/?p=news#ixzz1Y8Gulzeu

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